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Body protectors

The safety vest protects the back and chest when accidents happen. The shock-absorbing material distributes the impact across the body to minimize injury. A safety vest should fit snugly against the body with only a thin sweater underneath. Therefore, the jacket should be worn on top. Choose a comfortable vest that does not restrict your movements while covering the chest and collarbone. The front should extend two to three centimeters below the lowest rib, and the back should cover up to the lower part of the neck and end a few centimeters from the tailbone.






For the body protector to work optimally, it's important that it fits you and your body; it cannot be too large. When you test your protector, it is best if you wear a thin jumper so that the protector gets as close to the body as possible. The protector must cover the breast bone and collar bones, with the front section extending two to three centimetres below the lowest rib, about two finger widths. It should not restrict you from bending over. The back section must cover everything from the atlas vertebra down to the caudal vertebra. Try sitting in the saddle before you decide on a protector. It is important that the protector is not too long so that it catches and rides up when you sit in the saddle. This will make it uncomfortable and unsafe to ride with.

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