Add products by clicking the heart next to the product image.
When you've completed your order, you'll get a preliminary confirmation. After the order has been approved, you'll get a final confirmation message with details of delivery times, etc. The most common reason for not getting either of these confirmations is that you entered your email address incorrectly. We've also sometimes experienced problems with Gmail and Hotmail. If you have received the preliminary confirmation but not the final confirmation, it might be because our Customer Service needs to check your order. If you don't receive a final confirmation within 1 working day, please contact Customer Service.
After your order has been packed, you'll automatically receive a notification by email. This notification includes details of your pick-up point, the parcel number, etc.
If you want your parcel delivered to an address other than your own, please enter your address details at the checkout. Then enter the address you want your order delivered to under "Delivery".
Special offers are applied to the regular price and cannot be combined with other discounts or special offers.
Click on the button "Enter discount code" at the checkout underneath the list of items in your shopping basket. The field is case sensitive. Please note that discount codes can't be combined with other discounts or special offers.
There are a lot of old or false discount codes circulating on the Internet. Our active discount codes can be found in our newsletters and other circulars.
If you no longer want to receive our newsletters, there's a link at the bottom of every email which you can click on.
Orders can only be changed if they haven't been packed yet. If you want to change your order, please contact customer service.
We no longer handle automatic exchange orders. But if you would like to exchange an item, you can just return the items you don't want to keep and then place a new order on the website in the size/colour you want. No replacement will be sent to you automatically.
If the item was discounted, and you wish to order the same item in a different size, then you can get the discount again. Just contact our customer service and we will help you out!
If you've moved and want to change your address, contact Customer Service.
This may be due to old browsing data stored on your computer, which can cause issues and stop the website from functioning correctly. Try clearing your cache and cookies. If that doesn't help, contact Customer Service.
Information to help you troubleshoot the issue: Type of problem experienced. Type of device used (phone/computer/tablet, PC/Mac, Android/iPhone). Browser version.
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Vi rekommenderar dig att uppleva nya hemsidan med någon av följande webbläsare:
Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox eller Microsoft Edge.
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