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Art. nr 055751-10

Dog cage traxx®


Art. nr: 055751-10
Fr. €84.90

60 days open purchase

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Shipped within 4-6 business days

Product info

Collapsible, well-ventilated dog cage. Supplied with a warm, soft fleece lining pad with insulating insert. The cage has a sturdy design and is made of steel tubing. The sides are made of water-resistant polyester weave. S: 49.5 x 34.5 x 35 cm. M: 60 x 42 x 42 cm. L: 70 x 52 x 52 cm. XL: 81.3 x 58.4 x 58.4 cm.

It quickly becomes very hot in the car, whether it is parked in the sun or shade. Never leave your dog in the car, even for a short while.

TimeTemperatureShade / SunTemperature in car
8:30 14° C Shade 19° C
9:30 18° C Shade 38° C
10:30 20° C Mixed 47° C
11:15 20° C Sun 58° C
12:00 23° C Sun 62° C
13:30 23° C Sun 85° C


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