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Art. nr 043006-00-00000

Hook traxx®

Art. nr: 043006-00-00000
Dispatched within 4-6 business days

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Shipped within 4-6 business days

Product info

Tailgate lock that allows you to have the boot door of your car open for ventilation, while keeping it locked. Essential for all dog owners when their dog is in the car. 20 cm.

It quickly becomes very hot in the car, whether it is parked in the sun or shade. Never leave your dog in the car, even for a short while.

TimeTemperatureShade / SunTemperature in car
8:30 14° C Shade 19° C
9:30 18° C Shade 38° C
10:30 20° C Mixed 47° C
11:15 20° C Sun 58° C
12:00 23° C Sun 62° C
13:30 23° C Sun 85° C

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