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Art. nr 820537-00-00000

Toy Paso Peruano Starter Set Schleich

Art. nr: 820537-00-00000
Dispatched within 4-6 business days

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Shipped within 4-6 business days

Product info

Who gets to ride out today? The Peruvian Pasos love to get out and about. The proud Paso Peruano stallion is already dancing around the yard in anticipation. He looks so elegant! No wonder he regularly gets to participate in tournaments. With his blond mane and gracefully curved neck, he catches everyone's eye. He paces a little impatiently: Can he come out now? But the odds are better for his partner today, the beautiful Paso Peruano mare. She is already well groomed and her fur is so shiny. Her mane is also beautifully braided. She keeps a watchful eye on what is happening on the farm. I wonder if it's her turn soon? She already has the saddle and bridle on. It can't be long now. What a beautiful day! From 5 years. Dimensions 15 x 10.5 x 7 cm
  • CE Approved.

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