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Art. nr 910064-00-00000

TLD Band PRO+12 MM Swedguard

Art. nr: 910064-00-00000
Dispatched within 4-6 business days

60 days open purchase

Pay safely with Klarna

Shipped within 4-6 business days

Product info

A strong band, where tin-plated copper wires have been combined with non corrosive wires. Copper wires are 42 times more conductive than non corrosive wires, but the latter are much stronger. TLD combines these two properties. If the copper wires break, the current is carried further by the non-corrosive wires to the next point of contact. Five-year UV warranty. 200 m. 0.48 Ω/m. 12 mm. 5 conductors.

All bands and ropes are UV-stabilised for longer durability.

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