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Fly masks, veils & fringes

Prevent running and irritated eyes in your horse with the help of a fly mask or a fly fringe. By equipping your horse properly, you can alleviate the discomfort that insects can easily cause. The fly mask provides the horse with more comprehensive protection over the entire face, eyes, and ears, while the fly fringe acts as an additional bangs cover, making it easier for the horse to swat away insects and flies.

Fly Mask

The mesh of the fly mask keeps insects, mosquitoes, and flies out so that your horse can graze in peace. Choose a fly mask according to your horse's needs; in our range, you'll find fly masks with ears, without ears, and with extra nose covers.

Fly Fringe

A fly fringe, also known as a fly veil, acts as an extension of the horse's bangs and helps the horse to shake off bothersome flies or insects more easily. The fly fringe attaches easily to the horse's halter or bridle.

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