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Competition equipment for the rider

The equipment you need for competing varies depending on the level, discipline and whether you are riding a pony or a horse. To be on the safe side, check carefully the competition rules before competing.

Your competition clothes can consist of:

Riding jacket, with one or two slits. Many jackets are made of functional materials that make them flexible and comfortable.

Riding breeches, white riding breeches are usually associated with competition, but it is fine to have other colours.

Competition shirt, competition top or stock. There are many fine competition tops in attractive colours and styles, what they all have in common is a white collar. Most are also made of functional materials making them feel fresh and comfortable to wear. Some are also treated with Polygiene to prevent bad smells.

The helmet may, if you wish, be the same one you normally use. One way to keep a velvet helmet fresh and smart is to impregnate it, which stops it attracting dust and dirt as easily. Storing the helmet in a helmet bag will help to keep it fresh and smart. If you have long hair, you might want to put it up or use a hairnet.

Boots or riding shoes with short chaps that do not have fringes are used most frequently. To get leather boots or shoes extra shiny, work in shoe polish with a cotton pad, allow to dry, polish with a clean cotton pad and then rub with a nylon stocking for an bit more of a finish.

Gloves should be worn in dressage competition, as well as when doing other forms or riding, partly to protect the hands, but also to provide a better grip on the reins.

Spurs must be worn in dressage competitions, but can also be used when needed when show-jumping, for example. The length of the spurs you may use and how they are to be worn can be found in the competition rules.

Whips may be used in all warm ups, but you may not take a whip into the arena in dressage competitions. The length of whip you are allowed depends on whether you are riding a pony or a horse and whether you are involved in show-jumping or dressage. Check what applies in the competition rules.

Body protectors are always permitted and must be used by children and young people up to the age of 18 when show-jumping.

There are some exceptions to the above that apply to persons with disabilities, e.g. there are no stipulation that spurs and whip may be used in dressage competitions; further information will be provided in the competition rules.


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