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Care instructions – clothing

Hööks always strives to manufacture premium quality products, and places high demands on quality. It is important to care for the products correctly to maximise their lifespan. Avoid washing textile products more often than necessary, as this can shorten their lifespan and also causes negative environmental impact.

Technical clothing that is water-repellent / breathable

Technical clothing should not be washed more often than necessary. However, it is worth bearing in mind that if technical materials get too dirty, they become less breathable and also less water-repellent. When washing the garments, follow their specific washing instructions carefully. Close Velcro fastenings, zips, buttons, etc. before washing to reduce wear. Do not use fabric conditioner on technical garments, as this reduces the garment's function and harms the environment.

All technical garments gradually lose their water-repellent properties with both normal use and washing. If the water on the surface stops forming drops, you can reactivate the waterproofing by applying low heat to the garment, for instance using an iron or a tumble drier.

If this treatment stops having an effect, we recommend that you restore the waterproofing. Use a waterproofing treatment that is free from fluorocarbons and follow the garment's washing instructions when applying the treatment.

Synthetic material

Most synthetic materials are relatively easy to care for and can be washed in an ordinary washing machine. Avoid washing the garments more often than necessary, to spare both the garment and the environment. Follow the washing instructions carefully and don't use fabric conditioner. Avoid tumble drying the garment if possible, but follow the recommendations in the washing instructions.


When washing cotton products, always follow the garment's washing instructions and avoid using fabric conditioner. Not tumble drying your garments prolongs their lifespan and also saves energy.


Wool fibres are naturally dirt-repellent and antibacterial, and for this reason it's often enough to air your woollen garments to freshen them up. When washing wool, always follow the garment's washing instructions carefully since all woollen garments are not machine-washable. Avoid washing the garment at too high a temperature. If the garment is machine washable, use your washing machine's wool cycle. If woollen items are washed on a cycle that is too hard or vigorous, the wool can get matted and the garment can shrink. Don't use fabric conditioner when washing woollen garments, as it can damage the wool fibres.


Hööks only uses water-repellent treatments that are free from fluorocarbons (PFCs). This is because PFCs are harmful both to people and the environment. The water-repellent properties gradually wear off with both washing and use. When this happens, we recommend that you restore the waterproofing. Use a waterproofing treatment that is free from fluorocarbons (PFC free), and follow the garment's washing instructions when applying the treatment.

© Hööks.se 2020


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