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Hoof care

There is a saying that goes “no hooves – no horse”, and it's true! If you do not take care of your horse's hooves and make sure they are healthy, the rest of the horse will not work either.

You should look over your horse's hooves at least once a day. You should also check the hooves both before and after a ride/drive. Make it a habit to feel your horse's hooves so that you notice if one hoof feels warmer than usual. This could be an indication that something is wrong.

Every 6 to 8 weeks, you should have a trained farrier look over your horse's hooves. If you let too much time pass between each trimming/shoeing, the hooves become overgrown. This puts unnecessary strain on the tendons and joints.

Not all horses are in need of shoes, but if the horse is used a lot, it may be preferably to shoe it to avoid excessive wear and tear.

In the winter, if there is snow and ice on the ground, it might be a good idea to put studs on the horseshoes. A shoed horse without studs will slip more easily, which significantly increases the risk of injuries. You may even need studs in the summer, if you ride on a grass track, but remember that you may want to use overreach boots and other guards to protect the horse from overreach injuries.

Here's a tip

Use the website of the Swedish Farrier Association to look for a farrier in your county.

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