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Start horse ridning

Regardless of whether you are a child or an adult, it is good to enrol in a riding school when you want to start horse-riding. A riding school will provide you with instruction in the fundamentals of both riding and theory.  When you have gained a good grounding in the basics, the next stage may eventually be to get a share of or become responsible for looking after someone else's horse or pony if you want to go on to own your own horse at a later date.

Beginner groups are available for both adults and children at most riding schools. If you have some form of disability, there are many riding schools that also have the appropriate facilities for you so don't hesitate to contact them.

More information about basic riding equipment here.

You can find information about riding schools near you on the Swedish Equestrian Federation's website – www.ridsport.se – which also has lots more information about horses and horse-riding.

It is important that you check what insurance coverage you have before you start riding. Whether you ride at a riding school or privately, if you end up in an accident it is good to have insurance that covers horse-riding specifically.

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